Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Houston Bound

Cousin Ty and his mom, Kelly, celebrating his mission call to the Houston Texas mission!  He leaves October 5, 2011.

Happy Father's Day

We celebrated a soggy Father's Day at Allan's house this year.  We called Grandpa Reay on Skype and wished him a happy day too. 

Sole Sisters 2011

Sierra is waiting for her first exchange in Huntsville.
Feelin' good and giving a little love.
Dianna, the anchor of Van 2!
Allison, Amy, Krecia
Dianna, Katelyn Krecia, Amy, Sierra, Allison

Cool Van--Suburban, I mean.

Run, Eat, Sleep, Repeat--It makes it so you can sleep on cement!

Sierra had a plan to put this great team together and run the Ragnar Relay.  She got Megan to help, talked two cousins and an aunt into running, convinced Mom and Aunt Pam that we would make good drivers, and found good friends to make up the rest of this fun team.  It was a blast.  She did such a good job of putting it all together!

100 Day Reward


Vickie, Sierra, Colette, Mady, Kiersten, Trista
Rainbow after dinner.

Sierra, along with 13 other Young Women, went to Golden Corral as a reward for reading the Book of Mormon in 100 days.  It also helped fulfill Sierra's requirement to finish her Honor Bee for Personal Progress.

Furry Friend?

Sierra and Mom found this cute baby in the barn at Charlie's.  We heard him first and then went looking for him.  He was so cute.

Mud Volleyball

What a dirty bunch of friends!  Sierra, Shandee, Krecia, and Amy had to haul the  water to the court in Paradise from Shandee's house.  It took two trips and lots of 5 gallon buckets!

Ready for Ragnar!

The first thing Sierra did to start her senior summer was to prepare for the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay! This little run was eight miles round trip and mostly uphill. She is amazing and is running a mile in 8:15! Go Sierra!
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