Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Grandma and Grandpa came home from their mission to Hiko, Nevada!  Having them drive themselves home was better than waiting at the airport for sure--plus, we could call and ask if they were here yet!  The kids are running to the truck with arms wide open!
Grandma is super glad to be home!
They arrived home on Friday afternoon and spoke on Sunday.  We had a little family lunch after.  It is nice when all the aunts, uncles and cousins come!
Even if all we do is sit around and visit, it is fun to be together!  Aunt MaryAnn, who is sitting in the dark chair, made baklava for us.  It is the best ever!  Sierra said she was limiting hersef to 3 pieces and my cousin, Gary said that one row equaled one piece.  I like his theory.

These people are the ones that lived next to Dad and Mom.  John and Liz.  They are the ranch managers in Hiko.  They brought a son and daughter to BYU Idaho to school so they were able to listen to Dad and Mom speak andhave lunch with us.  It was nice to be able to thank them personally for taking such good care of my parents.
The trampoline brings out the funny side in everyone--including Dianna, my sister,  who is way funnier (is that a word?) than she lets everyone see!
This is Ike with her. 

My dad has this old culvert and it is the most fun toy! 
 It has been a swing and various other activities and has caused a few injuries, but the big boys and the little boys come back to it every time!  The video below is what happens when you include a 4- wheeler in the mix.
  No injuries this time!
Sierra forgot pants so she put on Ike's spiderman jammies. 
 Ike is 5. 
This is cousin Gary.  The 4wheeler made this haul a couple dozen times before the "city kids" got tired or sick of it!

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